Saturday, September 10, 2022

A COVID-19 Booster Shot Dream

This one really had a "stranglehold on reality", to paraphrase a stand-up comic.

I was driving Sir Harry Secombe to the airport, which is a cool trick, considering that he passed away in 2001. We are both flying to the United Kingdom and I am taking a rather long way to the airport. We discussed his son Andrew and he mentioned his daughter. I had a copy of the second volume of his autobiography "Strawberries and Cheam" on the floor of the car and I said, "Maybe I should have read this a bit more closely". He laughed about that.

[Side note: Secombe and his wife, Myra, married in 1948 and stayed married until his passed. He wrote that when she found out she was pregnant with their first child, she was so happy she did a cartwheel outside the doctor's office! They had four children.]

So we get to the airport, for an international flight at 2:27. THE PLANE WAS SCHEDULED FOR 2:32! I told you this was a dream.

I then realize that I don't have any luggage with me. At this point, Sir Harry, who has, inexplicably, turned into Lady Myra (who died in 2018. This is a DREAM, folks!), told me, "You can't buy everything you need there!" I decide to board anyway. At this point, I see my Brother and Sister-in-Law leaving a plane (they are supposed to be on my flight!!) and after not having gone through customs, we try to get on the plane. There is no jetway. We have to climb up a steep concrete ramp (no mean feat for a woman in her 90's) and after that, there is a concrete walkway from the ramp to the plane with no guardrail. She stops. At this point, someone (the pilot?) announces, "If you don't have any luggage, you can't buy everything!"

The last memory I have of the dream is me, propped up on my elbows, feet dangling, on the walkway to the plane, too terrified to move, with a wall behind me. I am, in a way, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

That's when I woke up. 

The upshot of all of this is that I slept very well for four hours, but I woke up with a 100-degree fever, which is what tends to happen when I'm vaccinated. It takes a couple of days, or a day, in the last case and my energy comes back. I just know if I don't write this now, I'll forget it. 

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